Registrations must be made by December 31.

  • Make the registration and submit papers choosing only one of the thematic axes:

    a) Phenomenology

    b) Logic

    c) Decolonial Readings

    d) Hegelian themes

  • All registrations for papers submissions are free.
  • The participants approved to participate in the communication sessions will automatically be registered.
  • A single author may register only one paper as 1st author and participate in two or more as co-author.
  • Postgraduate (Masters and Doctors) and postgraduate (Masters and PhD students) papers will be accepted.
  • The selection of the papers will be made based on the abstracts by the Scientific Commission.
  • The abstract must contain the following items: (1) Title, (2) brief introduction to the theme; (3) problem and objective of the work, (4) the developed items; (5) The main results obtained and the conclusions and/or final considerations on the research. The abstract is written in a single paragraph, without subtitles, with up to 300 words. It must be written in your mother tongue and in English.
  • Listeners need to register to have access to the event and receive a participation certificate.

Registration link:

To receive a certificate of participation as a Presenter or Listener, access the Certificate section for Presenters and Listeners.