I FILORED Online Congress

Hegel and Latin America - Reception and Hermeneutics

  • From 04/14/2025 to 04/16/2025

  • Access at: https://pucrs.zoom.us/j/94708721011?pwd=Nzg2MzhUYjlrMTA3UkFwWHdlMHE3UT09 



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The language can be changed by clicking on the small globe. On the computer, the globe is in the upper right corner. On the mobile phone, the globe is at the end of the menu, accessible in the upper left corner.



Die Sprache kann durch Klicken auf den kleinen Globus geändert werden. Auf dem Computer befindet sich der Globus in der oberen rechten Ecke. Auf dem Handy befindet sich der Globus am Ende des Menüs, zugänglich in der oberen linken Ecke.


Date and Place

The FILORED event will take place from April 14th to 16th, 2025, online. The Conference presentations will take place in the morning, from 10 am to 12 pm. The afternoon will be reserved for Communications, from 3 pm to 6 pm. You can check the sections on the event website.


Theme and Thematic Axes

The main theme of the congress is: Hegel and Latin America – Reception and Hermeneutics The papers are divided into the following Thematic Axes: a. Phenomenology b. Logic c. Decolonial Readings d. Varied Hegelian Themes

  •  14/04/2025 14:00
  • Online Event

Section 1

  •  15/04/2025 14:00
  • Online Event

Section 2

  •  16/04/2025 14:00
  • Online Event

Section 3


Registration and Submission of Papers

Instructions for Speakers and Listeners:

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Paper Presentation

Norms for the presentation of papers:

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Certificates for Presenters and Attendees

Issue of certificates for those registered in both categories:

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Publication of Presentations and Lectures

Guidelines and norms for the publication of papers:

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Registration and Submission of Papers: until 12/31/2024
Period of Registration and Submission of Papers via the following link: https://forms.gle/7vAee4MXs1N581cY6 It is important to follow the guidelines of the event present on the website.
Disclosure of Communication Schedules: not yet defined
Disclosure of days, times and themes of Conferences and Communications. The event program can be viewed on the event website.
Online Event: 04/14/2025 to 04/16/2025
Start of event activities. Links to conferences: https://pucrs.zoom.us/j/94708721011?pwd=Nzg2MzhUYjlrMTA3UkFwWHdlMHE3UT09 Links to communications are available on the site on specific days.
Submission of Papers for Publication: until 07/31/2025
Period for submitting the complete papers. You must follow the event rules, available on the website. You must send the complete work to the email: filored2025@gmail.com

Prof. Dr. Camila Palhares Barbosa

ORCID: 0000-0003-2254-5266

Lattes: 3838152756530280

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Prof. Dr. Danilo Vaz Curado Ribeiro de Menezes Costa

ORCID: 0000-0002-3048-1701

Lattes: 3081507777738281

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Prof. Dr. Marloren Lopes Miranda

ORCID: 0000-0001-6875-9580

Lattes: 7098279140659384

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Prof. Dr. Agemir Bavaresco

ORCID: 0000-0002-7967-4109

Lattes: 6597683266934574

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Prof. Dr. Draiton Gonzaga de Souza

ORCID: 0000-0001-9748-2955

Lattes: 7787208699557169

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Prof. Dr. Jair Tauchen

ORCID: 0000-0002-1974-016X

Lattes: 5822521985784574

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Prof. Dr. João Henrique Salles Jung

ORCID: 0000-0001-9234-6866

Lattes: 8750852447754541

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Enzo da Silva Efthymiatos